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Moonbat Delight

I recently wrote a post about the ACLU and the atheist/gay groups trying to force the Boy Scouts to allow girls, gays, and atheists into their organization. I posted at the time that someone would say I was a homophobe because of my views. I was not exactly correct. I was actually called a “stupid biggot”[sic].

You see, when a parent decides what is moral and how he wants those morals applied to his child’s upbringing the left can not stand it The moonbats come out in full force and try to lay their Hillary Clinton Village crap on you. You see, I am stupid, or unenlightened, because I do not wish for my children to be influenced by atheists or gays and because I think the Girl Scouts is for girls and the Boy Scouts is for boys. I am the stupid one because I want to decide what my children are exposed to. I want to, and here is a novel idea for the left, raise them with my wife not with the community, or the village. While I realize the community has an influence on my children I also know that I and my wife have sole responsibility and the village has only the say we allow in their lives.

Now here is where it gets hairy. You see, the particular person who said I was a bigot for deciding how I wanted my children raised does not have any children. He is still in college having his mind molded by the liberal professors. He is being raised by the village. Unfortunately, when he leaves the village will miss its idiot. I have raised two children who are now adults. They are not bigots and they do not discriminate. They believe in God and they think that homosexuality is wrong but that people are free to do what they want in their own bedrooms.

I guess I must be a bigot. I have no tolerance for stupidity, can’t stand criminals, think pimps are a waste of human flesh, believe that rapists should be hanged by their testicles, hate terrorists and think they should all die a horrible death, and I think that any person or group that tries to impose its will upon me and my family will suffer dearly. I also feel that private organizations have the right to do as they please and if the left or anyone else does not like it they can all go straight to hell. So I guess I am a bigot after all.

I know this much. My wife and I had a good upbringing and our parents had the same. We gave as much and more to our children. And we did it without others telling us what we did and did not have to allow. I also know that I do not have to have forced upon me what I do not agree with and if that makes me a bigot fine, but I am a free one.