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Michael Moore, Closet Capitalist

Michael Moore likes to dress in raggedy clothes and pretend he is like everyone else. He is an every man and he is out there in the fight against the establishment. To Moore, capitalism is bad and the people deserve more through wealth redistribution. But Moore has another side. He likes to make money and he does not like it when someone else gets his money.

Moere is suing the people who handled his production of Fahrenheit 9/11 for $2.9 MILLION that he says they kept instead of giving to him. It is his money and he wants it.

Let me be clear, if the money is his he is entitled to it and he should get it.

But why is he all up in arms about this? He made $19 MILLION off the movie. Isn’t that enough for him to live on? How much more does he actually need?

After all, this is the guy who made a movie about corporate America and how terrible it is that the Wall Street executives make lots and lots of money. Moore is not happy that the Wall Street tycoons get millions of dollars in salaries and millions more in bonuses. He believes that they are not entitled to that money even though it is theirs.

Why is he entitled to what he has earned when he thinks others should not be granted the same consideration?

Moore is a hypocrite and he is a closet capitalist. He likes to pretend that he is looking out for you but he is looking out for himself.

He is entitled to all that he earns and I will never dispute that no matter what I think of him.

But so is everyone else no matter what Moore thinks of them…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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