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Michael Jackson’s Freak Show

Michael Jackson’s lawyer said that he planned to call a star studded list of witnesses in his client’s defense. The list includes Kobe Bryant, Elizabeth Taylor and Jay Leno. Perhaps it is me but calling a rapist as a character witness in a child sexual molestation trial does not seem like a smart thing to do. But hey, I’m not a lawyer. Maybe the dolts who get starry eyed around famous people will overlook this character flaw and help old Jacko out.

In part of the story an interesting thing is revealed:

Legal experts say prosecutors will look for jurors who are older, conservative, less taken with celebrity, willing to accept authority and appalled by child molestation.

Jackson’s attorneys may look for more liberal jurors who have advanced degrees and are critical thinkers who question authority.

Prosecutors look for conservatives and defense attorneys look for liberals with advanced degrees (like they actually know how to use them to figure right from wrong).
Prosecutors want people who accept authority and are apalled by child molestation, so they pick conservatives.
The defense wants critical thinkers (read will ignore bad behavior) who question authority so they pick liberals.

Funny how they don’t say liberals would be appalled by child molestation. Their insinuation, not mine.

Sit back folks. It is going to be a freak show to top all freak shows. A rapist being a witness for a child molestor, conservative jurors for the prosecution and liberals for the defense. I might have to make some popcorn for this one.

Read the story here.