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Michael J Fox; No Cure Unless You Go Back to the Future

Michael J Fox was on a very interesting and misleading political commercial for Democrat Claire McCaskill of Missouri. Mike says that her opponent, Senator Jim Talent , opposes stem cell research. He seems to forget to make the distinction between Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Adult Stem Cell Research. There has been little success if any with embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells offer a much greater hope.

I know that Michael believes that if John Kerry were president Christopher Reeve would walk again, even if John had to raise him from among the dead first but the truth is, it would not have happened. Fox is under this false hope that there will be a cure in the next year or so. Even if embryonic cells offered hope, the cures would come when Fox was dead or near death (maybe Kerry could resurrect him).

It is sad that he, or anyone else for that matter, is sick but false hope is not a cure. We are doing a lot of research with the stem cells that have shown the most promise and maybe one day there will be a break through but that day is not today.

It is pathetic that they dragged Michael out before a camera so he could shake all over and garner a sympathy vote. Truly pathetic and quite sad and it interrupted the ball game.

Watch the video:
Shake, rattle and roll

Sister Toldjah