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Mexico Issues Arizona Travel Alert

The new law in Arizona is already having a good effect in that Mexico has issued a travel alert to its citizens warning them about travel to Arizona without proper documentation. In other words, they are being warned not to get caught there illegally. Part of the message to Mexicans is:

“There is an adverse political environment for migrant communities and all Mexican visitors,” Mexico’s ministry said. “It’s important to act carefully and respect the local laws.” Bloomberg

Notice how the Mexican government thinks it is important to respect the laws in order not to get caught but has no such feeling about respecting the law that involves coming here illegally? Mexico has helped its people sneak across the border. That government has encouraged people to sneak in and printed books to assist them in doing so. The government there was not too concerned about respecting the law then.

Now that Arizona has finally clamped down on illegal immigration the government of Mexico wants its people to respect the law but only to avoid getting caught.

There are a lot of people upset about this law but it is a good one and it is written so as to prevent people from being profiled. The people who are upset are those who broke the law and are here illegally and those who believe in open borders and want to assist those who break the law.

About 70% of the legal residents in Arizona think the law is good and that matters more than what those who are here illegally think and it certainly matters more than what those who are assisting those who are here illegally think.

The Obama administration is looking into legal action against Arizona with regard to this law. Good luck with that.

The same people who will require us all to prove we have health insurance are loathe to require people to prove they are here legally.

And that about says it all with regard to the ineptitude of our government.

Yahoo News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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