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McVeigh The New Slam Against TEA Party

The progressive forces have tried a number of tactics to demonize the TEA Party movement. The protesters, who have been peaceful and polite, have been called racists and homophobes, anti-American, unpatriotic and any number of other names that have not stuck because the facts do not match the claims. Now it looks like Timothy McVeigh will be the new slam against the TEA Party as progressive operatives equate what is going on as similar to what happened prior to McVeigh’s act of terror in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Bill Clinton and Rush Limbaugh have been going back and forth on this issue. The former president (it sounds great to say it that way) said that it is OK to have disagreements but that we had to watch what we say because it could ignite the fringe elements.

“There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do things you would never do,” Mr. Clinton said in an interview, saying that Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing, and those who assisted him, “were profoundly alienated, disconnected people who bought into this militant antigovernment line.” Sweetness and Light

The reality is that McVeigh was not stirred to action because of what people said. McVeigh became disenchanted by the actions of the government. The Clinton massacre of the Branch Davidians at Waco Texas was the catalyst that caused McVeigh to act. There is no excuse for what he did but what he did was an act of revenge against the government for its actions at Waco. It was not because of what people said on talk radio or anywhere else.

But that has not stopped the progressives from equating the peaceful TEA Party protesters as homegrown terrorists ala McVeigh.

This is the latest attempt to demonize those who are exercising their First Amendment rights and who oppose the actions of government. Call them racists, call them unpatriotic and equate them to a domestic terrorist.

Be wary because the MSM is in the tank for the Obama regime and goes out of its way to make those who are opposed look like terrorists or guilty of treason or sedition. Every act of violence is made to look like a bunch of right wing kooks when this is often not the case. Recent militia raid, one Democrat and the rest unaffiliated. Turned in by one of the militia’s own members. Guy who flew plane into IRS offices, called right wing, undetermined but writings suggest progressive. Kook regardless.

Acts of violence will be assigned to the TEA Party and stories will be fabricated to demonize them. Keep in mind, it was union thugs and progressives who committed the violence against those who oppose Obama’s agenda. The violence stopped when people started carrying firearms (which were all carried legally).

Clinton is now the mouthpiece for Obama and he is equating hard working peaceful citizens to a domestic terrorist and rewriting the history of the massacre he caused and the monster he inspired.

My Way News (Darrel, better call Clinton. He used slippery slope)
Rush Limbaugh
ABC News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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