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McCain Was Misled On TARP?

John McCain is in a real dogfight for his Senate seat as Republican J.D. Hayworth is mounting a respectable campaign and is beating up on McCain for his RINO history. McCain feels the heat and he is resorting to the same arguments Democrats used once the war on terror became unpopular. Astute readers will remember that Democrats ran around claiming they were misled on the war (and by the man they claim is dumb).

Yes, now that McCain is being beaten up for his support of a program that many Americans did not agree with he is claiming that he was misled.

McCain has been around the block more times than the ice cream man so he is aware of what goes on in this country and this is true with TARP. He was well aware that a lot of people opposed the TARP and he has an understanding of the financial system. If he was this easily “misled” and did not understand what was going on then why was he running for the presidency?

I voted for John McCain because he has a track record of service to this country, served honorably in Vietnam, endured unimaginable torture at the hands of our enemy, and was a better choice than Obama. But he is no conservative and he has as much responsibility for the situation we are in as others in Congress.

He is now facing a person who has a chance to beat him and McCain is resorting to the old “I was misled” excuse.

He is not taking responsibility for his actions.

He needs to go this year as do a lot of people in both parties. It is time to clean out the closet and get rid of those who have lost touch with the voters and with reality.


Big Dog


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