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McCain To The Rescue

During the campaign Barack Obama told us how his limited experience made him a better choice as Commander in Chief than John McCain, a decorated veteran. Of course there were many variables in the election and John McCain was not the ideal candidate. He was the wishy-washy middle of the road Republican that Colin Powell says we need. Of course, Powell endorsed and voted for Obama. I can only conclude that race was the deciding factor.

Now that the Community Organizer in Chief has been in office for a while the world is able to see how weak kneed he is. The Muslim world is thumbing their collective noses at him and North Korea is launching missiles and testing nuclear devices. Obama said that his strategy was to just talk with these people because that would bring us all together. He is an organizer of the world community.

The only problem is that no one is listening. North Korea is now preparing to launch a missile at Hawaii. The missile is reportedly unable to reach Hawaii but just aiming it at us and firing it is an act of war. North Korea also has a cargo ship moving around and experts believe it has weapons and other materials banned under UN resolution.

The Navy Destroyer USS John McCain is preparing to intercept that vessel in what North Korea will certainly see as an aggressive act. It is unclear what the ship will do once it intercepts but Lil Kim will not be happy no matter what it does. Fortunately, the McCain is manned by people from the finest Navy in the world.

Will this escalate into war? Will it provoke Lil Kim and will we need to retaliate (if Obama even has the testicular fortitude to do so)?

These things remain to be seen but I find it ironic that the McCain is working on unscrewing the mess Obama has made of things.


Big Dog

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