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Maybe Rosie Should Pick Up A Fork

Wait, it looks like she lives with one in her hands. It would be moronic to say that Rosie should try eating because she obviously does that. One thing she lacks in is education. Rosie O’Donnell is a 9/11 truther who made the claim that fire can’t melt steel.

So what is the problem with Rosie this time? She was ragging on Newt Gingrich and stated; “Perhaps he should read a history book“.

There is just a bit of a problem with her statement. Newt Gingrich is a history teacher with a BA in History and an MA and PhD in European History. I would think Gingrich has read more history books than Rosie has ever seen. Hell, he has probably read more history books than all the books, on any subject, Rosie has ever read.

I am no big Newt backer and there are plenty of things in his life and plenty of his positions that one can fairly attack.

His knowledge of history is not one of them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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