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Massa Jackson Wants Blacks Back On The Plantation

Jesse Jackson was speaking at an event sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus (is that a race based group) that revolved around the 25th anniversary of his failed bid for the presidency. During Jackson’s remarks he talked about the health care bill and decried that a black member of Congress did not vote for it.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

The remark was aimed at Artur Davis, a black Democratic Congressman from Alabama.

Of course Jackson played it off by saying he did not mention anyone by name but since Davis is the only one to vote against it, figuring out about whom he was speaking was not too tough. This is especially true since Jackson said “call yourself a black man.” Jackson also said he was not saying that black lawmakers had to vote a certain way but his remarks indicate if they don’t, they can’t call themselves black men.

To race baiters like Jackson, blacks who stray from the plantation are not real blacks. They are not real black men because they had the audacity to vote their beliefs (and those of their constituencies) rather than toeing the party line. There is no room for independent thought among blacks when the race baiters are involved because the lack of thought is what keeps them on the plantation, beholden to the Democrats and looking to people like Jackson as their leaders.

Jesse Jackson is the first to organize marches against perceived injustice. If someone discusses the high rate of crime and murder in the black community he will remind us that we should not be looking at the color of the criminals (while he complains that too many of them are in jail). Why is it then that he feels it is OK to attack the color of a member of Congress because he voted against a particular piece of legislation?

Suppose Pat Robertson was at an event and discussed health care by saying that we even had a few white members of Congress who voted for health care and that “You can’t vote for healthcare and call yourself a white man”?

How do you think that would turn out? Jesse “pimp daddy” Jackson would be organizing a protest against this kind of racist rhetoric.

And yet, he is perfectly OK with telling other blacks what they should and should not do in order to be black enough. Who made Jesse Jackson the decision maker with regard to who is black enough? Did his fathering a child out of wedlock with a woman other than his wife make him the final arbiter of what constitutes appropriate behavior for black men?

Jackson needs the health care bill to pass because it will make even more minorities beholden to the government. It will make more of the black population Democratic voters because they can never vote to cut off the source of their benefits and Jackson needs them to continue to be victims so that they will need a leader in their struggle for equality.

But they can never be equal as long as they are forced to live as slaves to government redistribution schemes that take money from those who pay taxes and those who provide jobs and give it to those who are deemed by Democrats and race baiters like Jackson to be unable to provide for themselves.

Jackson and the Democrats in Congress want to keep blacks on the plantation providing a solid block of votes for Democratic candidates. As long as those folks are products of the policies of lower expectations they will forever be beholden to government and will forever need the guidance of people like Jackson.

The question is, how long are black people going to remain victims of this kind of racism? How long are they going to remain slaves to people who hold them in little regard? How long will they allow people like Jackson to decide whether they are black enough? How long will they allow those blacks who differ in opinion to be painted as Uncle Toms?

Until blacks wise up as a group and reject the mindset that holds them as second class citizens and until they stop living as victims and rise up to oppose it, then this will continue.

And race baiting poverty pimps like Jackson will still have a say in how black they are.

It is a good thing though, that Barack Obama is the post racial occupant of the White House. Think of how bad it would be if he were not…

Big Dog


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