Make Sure The TSA Agents Change Gloves

The TSA has been busy fondling people who want to travel by air. People either need to be virtually strip searched or they will get groped and the government does not seem to want to change. People are upset and they want to do something so tomorrow is opt-out day. People are asked to opt out of the strip search radiation machine and instead get the enhanced pat down. If people do this the expected result is huge lines and delays at airports and, equally important, overworking the TSA agents.

I agree with the opt-out day and think it will send a huge message but there are a few things that should be taken into consideration.

First, if you are traveling by air and are going tomorrow then you should arrive at the airport a lot earlier than you usually would. If enough people opt-out there will be long lines and if you are not there extra early you will miss your flight.

More importantly, make sure the TSA agents change their gloves before they pat you down. You should watch them get a fresh pair of gloves from the box (not their pockets) and put them on before they pat you down. The agents are keeping the same pair of gloves on and touching multiple passengers which means that the chance to spread infection is very high. If they put their gloved hands on something infectious they can then transfer that substance to any number of people.

Make them change their gloves. They cannot say no or you refuse to be touched. Do not allow them to possibly infect you because they are unwilling to change their gloves.

This is important to remember each time you fly and are subjected to them putting their hands on you but it is particularly important tomorrow. If a huge number of people opt-out and cause long pat down lines then the TSA will be required to change gloves tens of thousands of times causing them further delay and aggravation.

But the important thing is you make sure you are protected from infection. Causing grief to the molesters is just an added benefit of being vigilant.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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6 Responses to “Make Sure The TSA Agents Change Gloves”

  1. Barbara says:

    That is a good point Big Dog. Using the same gloves can even cause the spread of bed bugs, which travel in clothing. Can you imagine the chaos if every person made them change gloves!

  2. Zilla says:

    Hi, BigDog, I found a detailed article about just how dangerous the TSA’s disgusting practice is here:

    Also, at my own blog today, I talk about the fact that they are expanding this insanity far beyond the airports – to our buses, trains, boats and roads as well:

  3. Ogre says:

    Certainly a good point. I wonder, however, if they refuse. The agents certainly can refuse and there is literally nothing you can do about it. If you refuse to be fondled by dirty gloves, you can literally be fined $11,000 or jailed. I’m completely serious.

    On another note, one of the ideas of opt out day is overload — so if enough people opt out, it won’t be slower, the agents will be forced to let people go without being fondled! I know, it might not happen, but that’s part of the idea of the day — force these scum (TSA) to change.

    • Big Dog says:

      You can refuse to allow them to pat you down until they change gloves. The CDC is in agreement about the need to change gloves in between contact so there is valid footing.

      I would tell them I am not refusing the pat down but I am refusing to be touched by dirty gloves. Change them and we can move on, don’t and you are not touching me.