- Big Dogs Weblog - https://www.onebigdog.net -

Made The Goal

With 4 days left until the end of the Project Valour IT competition the teams have combined to exceed our goal of $21,000. We are continuing the effort in order to provide even more help to our wounded heroes. I want to thank everyone who has given to this great project and encourage those who still want to give to do so now. Click on the link on the right and make a pledge to help a war hero.

The Soldier’s Angel Blog is currently down. You guys have made so many visits there you over loaded the server. Tell everyone who still wants to give to visit here until they are back on line. I get so few hits I should be able to take the extra load.

We will end on Veteran’s Day. Maybe it is just me but it seems a bit unfair that we give the Veteran’s one day when they ensure we get all the others. Please help if you can.