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Lower Taxes Attract More People

Some of the data for the last census has been released and the numbers are not good for Democrats. Red states picked up 6 Congressional seats and Blue States lost them. The interesting thing about the census is that states that have no income tax saw the largest increase in population:

This leads to a second point, which is that growth tends to be stronger where taxes are lower. Seven of the nine states that do not levy an income tax grew faster than the national average. The other two, South Dakota and New Hampshire, had the fastest growth in their regions, the Midwest and New England.

Altogether, 35 percent of the nation’s total population growth occurred in these nine non-taxing states, which accounted for just 19 percent of total population at the beginning of the decade. Michael Barone – Washington Examiner

People do not want to be taxed to death so they are moving to states where taxes are low or income is not taxed at all. People will only stand for so much before they take action. In this case, people voted with their feet.

This should be a lesson to politicians but they will fail to learn anything.

Taxes are a necessary evil but for a long time we have been taxed to pay for things that are not required to run our government and are not spelled out in the Constitution. When politicians learn to stop using the American public as an ATM machine and scale back government and its out of control spending then we will be able to prosper as a nation.

The idea that government must do everything for all people has failed in every society in which it has been tried.

We are on our way to that death spiral.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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