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Looks Like President Bush Is Bad For The Environment

For years we have heard all the stories about global warming and how the hole in the ozone layer is going to allow enough sun in to fry everybody. Despite evidence that shows the hole’s size varies, many of the environmentalists continue to tell us the hole is getting bigger and we are going to die (that is an inevitability anyway). Note to environmentalists. Ozone is created when oxygen molecules are super heated. Perhaps the change in the size of the hole has something to do with the proximity of the sun to the area, which of course, depends on the season.
We have all these dirt particles building up and blocking out the sun. The skies are dingy and it is hard to see. It is even worse now that George Bush is the President because he is in bed with all his oil buddies so they are making more nasty petroleum products and all the SUV owners are making it impossible for us to breathe. If only we had a President who could get this mess cleaned up.

But wait! A new report out shows that the air is cleaner and the sun more clearly visible. It would seem that the efforts of industrialized nations over the past ten years or so has made an impact and we are now able to see the sun more clearly while we breathe cleaner air. Of course there is a problem with all this. The environmentalists who were telling us that if we did not clean up we would have global warming are now saying that since it is clean more sunlight will get in and cause, you guessed it, global warming!

These people have to have a crisis with the environment so that they can continue to receive money to find ways to stop global warming. If they admitted that clean air is a good thing they would be out of a job. These folks want to have it both ways. There is global warming because of polluted air and there is global warming because of clean air. If that is the case then the hell with it. We will have global warming anyway so let’s stop spending all that money on research and on cleaning up and use it for something else that we can fix. These environmentalists sound like the democrats on Social Security. It is in trouble, no it is not, yes it is….

The left is fond of telling us that George Bush is responsible for 9/11 because it happened on his watch. They disregard any involvement of the last administration and tell us that George Bush is responsible for it. Well if that is the logic they want to use then it is safe to say that George Bush is solely responsible for the cleaner air. It does not matter what past administrations might have done, we found it cleaner on W’s watch so it is his baby. Wait a minute. Perhaps this explains why having clean air is a bad thing. They had to say that because the liberals never want to give a Republican credit for something good that happens in the environment. That would blow half of their platform away. Without the environment the libs would only have Social Security to lie about for votes. Oh wait, they might not have that one either.

It just is not looking good for them. If they keep losing on their core issues they might go the way of the saber toothed tiger.

Read the great environmental news here.