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Live Off Taxpayers, Not Your Family

Barack Obama had a White House event July 19th at which he asked Congress to extend unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who have already been on unemployment for a very long time. This is the debate in which the Democrats, who promised to “pay as you go”, said Republicans did not want to help people who are out of work when the reality is, Republicans wanted the program paid for. There is about 350 billion in stimulus money that has not been spent. The money for the unemployment extension could have come from that.

But I digress. At the event Obama featured Leslie Macko, woman who worked at some fitness center and lost her job last year. The latest news is that she is a convicted felon who was found guilty of prescription drug fraud. This seems to be the big news about the event which I find surprising because Obama has surrounded himself with people who lie, cheat, and steal as well as commit fraud. He is comfortable around those types of people so it is not surprising that he would find a felon to push for more robbery from the US taxpayer.

The story to me is a line from the event where Obama is making his case for extended welfare and he says that it is needed because poor Leslie has found herself doing something she did not think she would do, especially at this point in her life. Could it be she has turned to prostitution or other crimes (she is, after all, a felon)? No, Leslie had to turn to her father for help.

“We need to extend unemployment compensation benefits for women like Leslie Macko, who lost her job at a fitness center last year, and has been looking for work ever since. Because she’s eligible for only a few more weeks of unemployment, she’s doing what she never thought she’d have to do. Not at this point, anyway. She’s turning to her father for financial support,” Obama said in his speech. [emphasis mine] Newsplex

Obama says this like it is a bad thing to ask for, and receive, help from your family. This is terrible to Obama and he implores Congress to right this injustice and give Leslie, and many like her, money from taxpayers. Obama would rather Leslie get money from hard working people who have never met her and who owe her nothing in life rather than have this poor woman rely on her own flesh and blood until she gets back on her feet.

Obama cannot have families looking out for each other if he is to ever convince people that government is the only solution to our problems and that government can handle everything in our lives. If the Marxist Messiah is to take control of our lives he cannot allow pesky things like families to get in his way.

Obama frames the entire issue as if it is a bad thing that Leslie had to turn to, and is getting help from, her father. It is a horrible injustice for this woman to get help from her family when government and hard working taxpayers are there to come to her rescue. Act Congress, act so we can keep this woman from having to rely on her own flesh and blood.

Yes, of all the indignities suffered by this convicted felon the one that is unacceptable is that she must rely on her father for help. Instead of relying on family Obama and the Democrats would have this poor woman get money that will be borrowed now and repaid generations from now by our children.

Yes, our children and grandchildren will pay for Leslie so her daddy does not have to.

And in the world of Obama, this is how it should be…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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