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Liberal Doesn’t Mean Legal

Well, you can tell whose party is who’s- Republicans, when they are caught in illegal shenanigans, are prosecuted- and leave office. When liberals, or Democrats, or socialists are caught in some nefarious scheme, they double down on the bad behavior. Such is the case of Charlie Rangel, the head of the committee that writes the tax code- the patron saint of CPAs.

Apparently he can’t read his own tax code, or even hire anyone to help his decrepit butt to do so. As a result, he finds himself embroiled in a mysterious “ethics investigation” that was supposed to be over and done a year ago, but as usual, the Libs are dragging their feet.

 Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) sat stone-faced as the House chamber buzzed around him, preparing to vote on a measure that could partly undo his almost four decades of work in Congress.

As Republicans pressed their attempt to remove him from his perch as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Democrats stood by Rangel — who is under investigation for a series of alleged violations that include improperly occupying several rent-controlled New York City apartments and not disclosing a laundry list of income and assets — and deflected the measure to committee.


Of course Dems stood by him- they do not want to lose such an accomplished crook- they still have so much to learn at the feet of a master scam artist. His range is so exquisite- from apartments that are rent- controlled, to a slew of automobiles, to vacation paradises he claims he “knew nothing about”. Yeah- right!

The Republican-sponsored resolution said Rangel was unfit to serve as the chairman of the powerful committee that writes tax laws while he remains under investigation. Democrats blocked the move, sending the resolution by  Rep. John Carter(Tex.) to the ethics committee and saying Congress should not act until that panel completes its investigation.

The resolution was the fourth attempt by Republicans in the past 16 months to censure Rangel or strip him of his committee chairmanship. House Republican leaders pushed their members to back the resolution against the Harlem lawmaker, arguing that his conduct violated pledges from  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in 2006 to oversee the “most ethical Congress in history” and end what she called “the culture of corruption” when Republicans ruled the House.


Oh Snap! You didn’t think that Nanny Pelosi actually meant what she said, did you?  You silly wabbit!  Tricks are for libs.

Republicans keep trying to make Demmies do the right thing, something apparently very permissive and negligent parents never taught these people- morality- but these libs are resistant to doing the right thing. If they were a horse I was trying to make ridable, well, I would have given up by now and sent these to the slaughterhouse, because that would be all they would be good for- dog food.

In an occurrence rarely seen on the House floor, Carter read his resolution — nine pages and more than 2,000 words. While other members talked to aides or read, Rangel sat silent and expressionless in the first row on the Democratic side of the aisle, eyes fixed on Carter.

“We can already hear the defense of the next tax deadbeat called into court. ‘If Charlie Rangel doesn’t have to pay his taxes, why should I?’ ” Carter said, quoting from an editorial in the New Haven Register.

Carter listed nearly every allegation against Rangel, who himself called for the ethics committee to examine his conduct last year. Rangel admitted last month that he failed to report more than $500,000 in assets on his 2007 federal disclosure forms. Last year, he acknowledged failing to disclose and pay taxes on at least $75,000 in rental income from a villa in the Dominican Republic that he has owned.

He has been accused of improperly using congressional stationery to solicit donations for an academic center bearing his name at the City College of New York and attending a conference last year in St. Martin that was paid for by donors who employ lobbyists, a violation of House rules.


He has flouted House rules with seeming abandon, and apparent glee- the rules do not apply to him- he has stolen money from the Federal government, plain and simple, and if it was you or I, we would already be behind bars, worrying about picking up the soap in the showers. Not Good Time Charlie. The rest of his posse, all as guilty as he, rally behind the Head of the Ways and Means Committee. Yep he has both the ways AND the means, and the rest of the Dems (and some Republican turncoats too) protect him.

On a list of reasons why people do not trust their government, Charlie Rangel has to be real close to the top, with John Murtha close behind.

And a whole bunch of libs bringing up the rear- their preferred position.

They will always be behind you- 100%.
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