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Letterman is a Pervert

David Letterman is a Left wing Loon- we all know that, and he is not particularly funny, but then I have not cared much for Jay Leno either. I guess after you have seen Johnny Carson at his best, all others pale in comparison. At least Carson could do sketch comedy and be funny, plus the man had class when it came to his guests or the butt of his jokes.

Not so for Letterman, who you might think would be a bit more sensitive to the feelings of children, especially after the plot to kidnap his son. But apparently any joke, even ones about raping a 14 year old, are ok when someone like Letterman has sagging ratings, or he is seeking to defame and slander a minor in a sexually suggestive way. Apparently, a joke about the minor child of a Republican is okay, judging from the laughter from his loony audience, but if the jokes had been about a liberal child, you could have heard a pin drop in the studio.

I have never found the failed weatherman humorous at all- just a bit embarrassing. Early on in his “career”, I would watch, often looking at whoever else might be in the room, and asking, ” Who in the hell gave this moke a job? This is pitiful.”

Now, several years later, he is still very unfunny, and his liberal bias is showing big time- it’s really become very childish. Oh, am not talking about his unwarranted trashing of Sarah Palin- she is a big girl, and knows that this kind of tasteless trashing is part and parcel of politics, but to go after the children of the politicians? That is just unacceptable.

And here lies the hypocrisy- just as Muslims condemn the extremists in a whisper, so do the left wingers- apparently they feel that it is alright to attack and defame , slander, and, as they say these days, dis the children of people like Sarah Palin. “Oh they are conservative, its okay.”

That reminds me of Colonel Fetterman’s rationale for killing the Indian children on a raid in Colorado in the 1880s- “Kill them all-Nits make lice.” meaning, the children grow up and become adults and become trouble. Same failed thinking here, I guess. And I guess on some level I am disappointed in my judgement- I thought that someone like Letterman would have some class, and I was wrong about that. That is truly sad.

I have my differences with Hussein- I hate his policies, I believe he does truly want to destroy America, but I would not ever go after his children. They have done nothing- why would I? I have scruples. Can you liberals say “Scruples”?

Keep trying- especially you , Letterman.


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