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Let’s Just Kill All the Muslim Infidels*

It is beyond me how this country tolerates the Islamic killers. They are a culture of killers who want to take over the world and people in this country tolerate them as if they are our friends. I talked on my radio show last night about Barbara Boxer rescinding an award that was originally given to a member of the terrorist front group CAIR. She rescinded it because Conservative blogs took her to task for awarding a group with ties to terrorism and who will not recognize Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.

CAIR is here as the recon team to soften the underbelly of America. They keep spreading out across the country with offices all over the place so that they may move about freely spreading the seeds of discontent among the American population. They make outlandish claims in order to make Americans shy about their activities, make us afraid to point out what they are doing. CAIR intimidated so many people over those terrorist Imams being thrown off the airplane that everyone in the TSP has to take sensitivity training. Well, I will NEVER take sensitivity training and I will NEVER be intimidated by any Muslim terrorist organization. Screw CAIR and every single terrorist supporting Muslim in this country and throughout the world and screw every lily livered liberal who empathizes with them.

I give credit where credit is due and this time it is to Boxer, who realized what was going on and rectified the situation. Let me make it clear again in case someone from CAIR needs to be sure what I am saying. CAIR is a front group for terrorists in this country and their goal is to take over and impose Sharia law. They are actively working to get a majority Muslim population so that they can start imposing their will upon us in order to obtain their goal of making America an Islamic country. They have nearly (if not completely) taken over France and are working their way across Europe finishing the quest of the pervert Mohammad.

If you want to see the kind of animals that the Islamists are, check out this video (before You Tube bans it). WARNING: The video contains footage of American soldiers being killed. Listen to these animals singing their praises as they show video of Americans being blown up by IEDs. Watch the savagery as they kill time and again. We need to start gunning down all the Muslims suspected of doing the slightest thing wrong over there so that we can eventually wipe out most of them. They take great pride in what they do to our soldiers and we as Americans are supposed to be upset because of what happened at the Abu Ghraib? Screw those animals. We should be cutting them to pieces until they tell us what we want to know and then we should line them up and shoot them. Any member of Congress who objects should have to ride around Iraq looking for IEDs.

The Muslims are trying to kill us off and to take over our country. They might think this is a peaceful venture until they are in the majority. They might believe they will be able to impose their will. I know a lot of Americans just like me who will not let that happen. If they try that crap it will be “Open Season” on every Muslim here. We will make no distinction, man, woman, or child, they will be targeted. Any member of Congress who is still around and allowing this to happen will be in an awful way. If the Muzzies don’t get them a bunch of pissed off patriots will.

Stamp out Islam now. Get rid of them. What we should be doing is locking them all up like we did the Japanese in WWII. Then we could keep our eyes on the sneaky little slime balls while forcing them to eat pork. We need to dip our bullets in pig grease and drop pig’s blood by the gallons across Iraq. For the worst offenders we can take a pen full of hogs and not feed them for about ten days. Then throw the Muslim bastards in the pen and film the hogs eating them. Let Al Jazeera show that all over the Middle East.

I can not stand CAIR or any other terrorist organization. I urge all Americans to resist efforts to allow them to exert their will. Refuse sensitivity training, refuse to allow their whining to be heard. Remember, “Open Season.”

*Infidel – one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity

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