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Let The Automakers Fail

What is it with the American government and businesses? If businesses, such as oil companies, are successful then government wants to punish them with windfall profits taxes and if businesses are unsuccessful government wants to bail them out.

The big three automakers are asking Congress for $50 BILLION to bail them out of their financial messes. The automakers are responsible for their problems and they should have to deal with the consequences of how they are run. If they fail then they can go out of business or be bought up by someone who runs things better.

American automakers are held hostage by their union employees and the company has had to capitulate over and over to union demands for more money and more benefits while the companies have been losing ground to makers of foreign cars. The unions are part of the undoing of the companies and their hard line tactics will keep them from competing with other car makers for some time to come. In all reality, how do they justify demanding that some moron who attaches door frames receive more money than people in jobs that require much more skill?

Let the companies deal with their own problems and keep our government and our tax dollars out of the issue.

This appears, to me, to be nothing more than Democrats repaying the unions for their undying support. Nancy Pelosi is opposed to drilling for more oil and believes we need to take more public transportation and yet she wants to spend taxpayer money to bailout an industry that is based upon the use of fossil fuels.

These unions backed the Democrats and their messiah and now they expect a return on their investment. We need to band together and tell Congress that it is not their job to interfere in private business and they are not authorized to spend taxpayer money on such endeavors.

If the automakers want to start making money again then they need to get a handle on the union thugs bankrupting them and they need to start building cars that Americans want.

Until then let them sink or survive on their own, without government intervention. If it means they go out of business and their workers are unemployed then so be it.

Of course, I guess it won’t be long before the Democrats require us to buy cars from these businesses.

Hell, they impose their will on us in plenty of other ways, why not that?

Washington Post | Breitbart | Bloomberg

Big Dog

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