Lead By Example

Or is it bluster for the cameras?

Barack Obama warned Congress that it had better pass the payroll tax holiday extension or it might not be leaving for Christmas. Obama is upset that the Congress has failed to pass a bill that would force people who EARN more than a million dollars to pay a surcharge, or what Obama calls “their fair share.” The wealthy pay most of the federal taxes in this country so it is obvious they pay more than their fair share. Those who don’t pay their fair share are those who sponge off government but pay nothing in federal taxes. Obama though, is using the threat of Congress spending Christmas in DC as a weapon to get what he wants:

“I expect it is going to get done before Congress leaves,” Obama warned lawmakers. “Otherwise Congress might not be leaving, and we can all spend Christmas here together.”

This is typical Obama crisis management. Everything he wants passed must be done now, is a crisis and can’t wait. They all wait until the last minute, strike a deal that screws us all and then slap each other on the back and go home.

This is mostly bluster because Obama has already revealed that he will be leaving on yet another vacation starting December 17th. Obama is planning on going to Hawaii for 17 days and I highly doubt that he means it when he says “we can all spend Christmas here together.” I sincerely doubt he will cancel his vacation to spend time in DC.

He might try to make Congress stay in DC while he is on vacation but that would go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter. Mind you, I have no doubt that Obama would do this because he is not a leader and he does not know how to lead by example.

But if he does he will suffer politically.

I do think that he will not have to worry. Congress will come up with some half baked scheme at the last minute and vote on it. It will pass (and they will spend a fortune getting it to Obama for his signature) and they will all tout how they had to compromise because the evil Democrats/Republicans (depending on who is talking) would not budge. It was the best we could hope for under the circumstances, blah, blah, blah.

They will be kicking a can down the road so they can leave for their expensive Christmas parties/fund raisers.

Obama will be on a Hawaiian golf course and the country will be circling the drain.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

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4 Responses to “Lead By Example”

  1. Cao says:

    As Rahm Emanuel said: You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

  2. Ferd Berfel says:

    As Bill Clinton said, “You never want a hook-shaped erection to go to waist!

  3. Ferd Berfel says:

    Actually, the tax is “those who HAVE more than a million,” not just those who have the ability and chance to EARN it. So old people who worked for decades to stack away enough to live later years in some comfort…will be stripped to pay Obamite people’s idea of social engineering, where the have never wokeds get to take from those who worked, saved and worked, saved and worked for decades…

  4. Blake says:

    This is the slow erosion of the American Dream, and American Exceptionalism- and you can trace it back to Dr. Spock and the elimination of discipline in the home (and of everyone getting a trophy just for showing up- what a canard!)