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Justice Department Sanctions Voter Fraud

Eric Holder’s Department of Justice handed down a ruling stating that the state of Georgia had to stop asking for proof of citizenship to register to vote. The Justice Department gave the same lame arguments that are always given when one speaks of proving eligibility to vote; it will disenfranchise minorities. I guess minorities don’t have a birth certificate or a Social Security number in addition to the ID they never seem to be able to get. Given that Obama has refused to release his birth certificate it is not surprising that voters in Georgia would not be required to show one.

This is nothing more than a ruling to help people who should not vote do just that. This ruling will allow illegals to register. The opponents claim there were over 7000 people flagged who turned out to be eligible to vote. Perhaps there is a larger problem. Did someone else have the same Social Security number? Did the birth certificate not have the raised seal? Who knows but it appears as if the problems were cleared up. Seems to me that these folks were flagged and upon further investigation they were cleared. Isn’t this how things should work?

Not under the Obama Justice Department run by Holder. Under that corrupt organization voter intimidation is excused because the criminals involved were Obama supporters. The New Black Panthers violated the Voting Rights Act but were not prosecuted because they have many branches around the country and they support Obama. Can’t go ticking off the supporters especially when they might be needed to intimidate white voters in the future. They also can’t go ticking off the illegal voter population if they want to win.

Georgia is one of two states required to get Justice approval for voting issues because of Jim Crow law problems of the past. That requirement is up before the Supreme Court and if all goes well they will remove the requirement so Georgia can run its own program without interference from the criminals at Justice.

But until then Georgia must allow anyone who wants to register to vote to do so without any proof of citizenship. Citizenship is a requirement to vote but it is a pesky nuisance for Democrats so they work around the requirement.

Voting is an important civic duty and everyone who is eligible should be allowed to do so under our current laws. I have problems with people who have no stake in the country voting in it but the law says they can. But we should make absolutely certain that the people who are voting are eligible.

We need to prove citizenship for many things. One must prove citizenship to get a job (though Democrats make that a hazy process to accommodate illegals), one must prove citizenship (or legal status) to join the military, Americans must prove citizenship (with a passport) to get back in the country, one must have ID to rent a movie, cash a check, board a plane and to buy cigarettes or alcohol. Why is it so difficult to prove one is a citizen in order to register to vote and to show ID when voting?

I am tired of the bogus arguments about people not having ID. People have birth certificates and most people have a Social Security number. The downtrodden that the Democrats always feign worry for are never put out when ID is needed for government benefits. People who show up to apply for any of the various welfare programs have to show ID and by some miracle they always seem to have it. Yet, the act of voting puts some undue burden on them.

It would seem from this list that proof of citizenship or an ID is required for everything except running for president and voting. Funny how the Democrats always seem to defend the flaws in the systems, flaws that make it easier to commit fraud. Then again, the Democratic Party is the one all the dead people vote for. They are in line right next to the illegals.

Maybe people should start complaining about having to get a passport to reenter from Canada or Mexico. This is an undue burden on people. How dare the government require proof of citizenship to enter the country when it will affect so many people.

Big Dog

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