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Just Say No To Oprah

Back during the general election Oprah Winfrey declined to interview Sarah Palin because Oprah said she wanted to keep her show free from politics. Of course, while keeping it free she had Obama on twice, his wife was on as well and Oprah made a big public spectacle of endorsing Obama.

Now that the election is over and Obama has won Oprah has requested Sarah Palin do an interview. Now Oprah is not the only one. Larry King and Barbara Walters would like interviews as well. Palin should consider those because even though King and Walters would love to give labial stimulation to glans Obama, they did not deny Palin the chance to interview during the campaign. She might not have done one but it is not because she was refused the opportunity.

Oprah, on the other hand, decided to deny an interview that many of her audience wanted to see. Now Oprah wants the ratings jump she would surely get with Palin on the adjoining couch.

Palin should do every interview except the Oprah one. She should deny any contact with Oprah or her people. Oprah is a lying, cowardly, racist puke who does not deserve the time of day. She too is part of the Chicago machine and though many consider her talented I would venture that she had Chicago help along the way. How much skill does it take to sit on a couch and talk about how much body fat you’ve lost?

Oprah might not have wanted to interject White Republican Female politics into her show but I have a feeling she will be more active in politics in 2012. Oprah is calling it quits from her show in 2011 which will give her a year to get involved and maybe even run for something though I can’t imagine what she would actually be qualified for except maybe the aforementioned labial-glans position.

If things go right, she will still be waiting for her Palin interview.


Big Dog