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Just A Little Chicken

Well, now we know that politicians are whores who have no taste, and no morals- it shouldn’t come as a surprise, I guess. It’s just disappointing to see the dissolution front and center.

The latest example to come to light is that of Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania RINO (Republican in name only). This should not come as a surprise to anyone who has observed his voting record over the years, where it has become painfully apparent that he, like all Democrats suffered from Lubner’s Disease, first diagnosed in 1976, on Saturday Night Live. In a skit with Bill Murray and Gilda Radner, it was explained that Lubner’s Disease was when one was born without a spine- a perfect description of Sen. Specter and the rest of the Liberals in the House and Senate.

Arlie knew that he wouldn’t win re- election as a Republican, with competition against a real conservative. He was too limp on contentious problems, and probably has “issues” with wanting approval from others.

Well Gee Whiz, he can play with all the “In” people and go to the “A” class parties, and I guess that might be important to Arlie Boy, but his constituents might just be feeling a bit betrayed- or not, as they are also home to Jackie “Our Army is Murdering Scum” Murtha, and I understand that Joe “Job Security” Biden is from Scranton, so perhaps Pennsylvania does have aberrant people in their political world. Perhaps they elect intellectually “challenged” people in order to get them out of the state. That certainly would make more sense than electing these mokes, believing that these people would have a moral or ethical center that might guide them in their decisions.

Now, I guess, we wait for the other shoe to drop regarding Olympia Snowe, and/ or Susan Collins, two more “moderate”, or spineless Republicrats who can’t seem to decide who to dance with, in terms of their party.
I have a bias against what consider betrayal- if he felt that way, he should have run as a Democrat the last time he was up for election- I mean, come on, this wasn’t like having a bad hair day- he had to have thought it out for more than a day or so. Heck, his decisions for the past six years alone have indicated that he would roll over for anyone willing to scratch his belly, as long as the person scratching was liberal.

Arlie has a problem- he might like the manly feel of calling himself a conservative, but in the end, he couldn’t hang with making the hard decisions needed to BE a conservative. He likes to be liked too much for that to happen, and besides, he is old and probably feels that if the country goes down the toilet, he won’t be around to see it.

What a coward.

Big Dog

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