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John Edwards and MY SUV

John Edwards, the queen of hypocrisy, today announced that he wants Americans to give up their SUVs and he thinks that this sacrifice is one Americans are willing to make. I guess the first thing I would note is that if Americans were willing to do this then they would have done it already. I am not willing to give up my SUV and I have no plans to do so even though my state punishes me with a higher registration fee.

John Edwards flies around the country wasting a lot of fuel trying to become the president. I know he uses a bus to get around though he does claim to use biodiesel fuel for it. Regardless, the bus, the jets and a house the size of a small country are all huge fuel consumers. John prances around the country wasting fuel in order to become president, a job he wants in order to massage his ego. I, and many others, use our SUVs to get to work. For those of us who must go to work regardless of the weather, it is a necessity.

Even practicality does not matter though. If some guy lives in a place where the weather never gets bad enough to need and SUV wants one, he should be able to buy one. If he can afford it, the gas and the insurance then he should be able to drive around in it all he wants. I realize that Edwards is asking us to give them up but when the government asks something it usually forces the response it wants. How far will Edwards go if he becomes president? I also want to know if Edwards would give up the armored limo that presidents use (a limo that gets very few miles per gallon).

I find it amazing that governments go after people with SUVs. In my state they charge us more to register our gas consuming vehicles in hopes that we will buy some hybrid. Of course, when it snows like hell the same government is happy that all the SUV owners answer the call for assistance in getting doctors, nurses, and other necessary people to work. There have been more than a few folks who stopped going out to help in bad weather because of the stupidity, especially when the elected officials in the state ride around in vehicles that get very similar mileage.

I, for one, have no intention of giving up MY (the key word) SUV. The inconvenient truth is, neither do a lot of other folks.

ABC 13

Big Dog

UPDATE: Like I said, he is a hypocrite

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