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Joe Wilson Was OK with Naming Wife

Robert Novak writes that he discussed his article with Joe Wilson before it was published and Wilson did not object to his wife being mentioned. Joe’s concerns were egotistical in that he did not want the article’s focus to be that he was simply an opponent of the war and he wanted Novak to know his wife used his last name.

The whole time that the Plame game was going on Wilson acted like the world had come to an end because his wife had been outed. He pinned all this on the Vice President and he said it was a concerted effort to get him for his opposition to the war (but don’t focus on that). It seems to me that if this half baked jackass was so concerned about his wife’s status he would have told Novak his concerns so that the information would not have been printed. Since Wilson failed to say anything and since he allowed his wife’s identity to be published we can conclude that she was not covert (as we have said all along) and that Joe Wilson knew she was not covert. If we go on the assumption that she was covert then he [Wilson] is the one responsible for outing her and he should get to be frog marched to court.

As for Fitzgerald, he knew the identity of the leak when he spoke with Novak a few days into the investigation. The fact that he continued for months on end shows he was engaged in a witch hunt and that he wasted a bunch of taxpayer dollars. If Fitzgerald had ended when he found the “leak” (what he was empowered to do) we could have saved a fortune and a lot of people would not have been inconvenienced, especially Scooter Libby. Fitzgerald was helping someone on the left and he did not care who got hurt in the process. There are those who praised the guy but I think he was grossly incompetent.

There was something fishy about Mr. Plame and his wife right from the start. The nepotism and the incompetence coupled with the partisan view taken by the third rate diplomat caused a lot of problems. One can only hope they send him on another assignment real soon.

But with a one way ticket.

The Hill

Big Dog

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