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Joe The Plumber Exposes Robbing Hood

A man who has been referred to as Joe the Plumber asked Barack Obama a question last week and the answer turned the world upside down. Obama was so brazen that he actually told the plumber and the camera that he wanted to “spread the wealth around.” Obama knew that he had exposed his plans for Socialism and his bots went into immediate attack mode.

They went after Joe the Plumber. He has not paid his taxes (like say Charlie Rangel?), he does not have a plumber’s license and he does not make 250k a year. Now, Joe never said that he did, just that he was considering buying a business that could make that much and he asked if Obama’s plan would cost him more in taxes.

Joe the Plumber did not ask Obama to come to his house, Joe did not ask to speak to Obama and Joe was not disrespectful when he asked. Joe asked a question of a man who wants to be president and that man has attacked Joe since. The other Joe, Biden, said that the Plumber did not make as much as he claimed (he never claimed he did) and Biden also spoke of the things that were pointed out by the toadies in the media. Obama asked “how many plumbers you know who make a quarter of a million dollars a year?” First of all, maybe a plumber does not but the plumbing BUSINESS might. Secondly, notice how Obama and Biden have deflected the focus from what Obama said to the character of Joe the Plumber?

Thie amounts to nothing more than character assassination against a US citizen who had the audacity to hope he could ask a candidate a question without being attacked. We have seen that this is not the case with Obama. Anyone who speaks out against Obama is attacked. Obama uses email to mobilize his bots and they swarm like bees to attack. Therefore, we get the media reporting on the attacks on Joe and what Joe’s life is about instead of it focusing on Obama revealing that he is for redistribution of wealth by spreading it around.

Barack Obama wants to take money from the rich (or those well off and except for him and his friends who will have loopholes and non taxable investments) and GIVE that money to the poor or less well off. 40% of wage earners pay NO taxes. Obama would give them money. They would file a tax return and get more than what they paid back because Robbing Hood will send them the money confiscated from those making more than 200k a year. Yes, 200k. Don’t be fooled. 250k is for joint filers. Single filers will pay more starting at 200k (and that would include Joe the Plumber because most small businesses file as individual taxpayers to avoid the confusion of business taxes and the accompanying paperwork).

Let us not allow Barack Hussein Obama and the media to change our focus or redirect the conversation. The fact is, it does not matter what Joe the Plumber’s life is like or how many negatives he has. The real concern is how Obama answered the question. Obama said that he wanted to spread the wealth and that is Socialism. It is wrong and it should make people worry.

Once you vote this gun grabbing Socialist into office you will not be able to take it back.

Obama “Robbing Hood” has been exposed by a simple question from a Plumber. The reaction from Obama and Biden as well as their puppets shows how people can expect to be treated if they oppose The One.

Think America. Why is it that we know more about a plumber who asked a question a week ago than we do about Barack Hussein Obama who has been running for two years?

It is not hard to understand his appeal. He plays class warfare and the people who don’t make a lot of money like the idea of getting it without having to work for it. Robbing Hood will just give them other people’s money and that is wrong but they don’t see it that way because they are entitled. The Democrats have bred a citizenry that is happy to take the fruit of other people’s labor.

It is disgusting and we should ensure that nothing is given to these people by Robbing Hood. We should ensure Robbing Hood is sent back to his Chicago hood in defeat.

Chicago Tribune

I took this from a comment at another site. It is absolutely true. None of this has been vetted like Joe the Plumber or Sarah Palin has:

Rev Wright,
Tony Rezko,
Michelle Obama,
Louis Farrakhan,
William Ayres,
Bernadine Dorhn,
Rashid Khalidi,
Nadhmi Auchi,
Khalid Al Monsour,
Frank Marshall Davis,
Saul Alinsky,
Father Pfleger,
Kwame Kilpatrick,
Rev Meeks,
George Soros,
Raila Odingo,
Abongo Obama,
Black Panthers,
Franklin Raines,
Jim Johnson,
Ahmad Yousuf (Hamas),
Fidel, Raul Castro,
Hugo Chavez,
Daniel Ortega,
Mu’ammar Qadhai,
Kim Jong Il,
Barney Frank,
P Diddy,
Maxine Waters,
The NY Times,
Chris Dodd,
Adel Kahatib,

………Change we can ‘bereave’ in

Big Dog