Joe Biden On Iraq, Then And Now

Politicians are a special group of people who can say one thing on one day and the exact opposite on another. Obama has done it and so have many others. The latest is from VP Joe (nobody messes with Joe) Biden. Biden has an entirely different take on Iraq now than he did in 2002:

Joe Biden in 2002: “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy [Saddam Hussein] who is an extreme danger to the world.” [Real Clear Politics – Video]

We had no choice but to eliminate him. Admittedly, we could have gone in and just eliminated him and that might have solved the issue. Instead, after a lot of talk and diplomacy, we resumed the war with that country. We eliminated the threat that Biden referred to in 2002.

But now Nobody Messes with Joe says that what we did was not worth the price we paid.

Vice President Joe Biden says the Iraq war hasn’t been worth its “horrible price.” My Way News

There is no doubt that the price of the war has been horrible. Any time we lose members of our military it is horrible. It is also too much to lose just one person but was the victory worth the cost?

We got rid of the guy Biden said had to go and remember, no one is smarter on foreign policy than Joe, just ask him. We have a fairly stable country in Iraq that could grow to be a big ally and trade partner. It is on the path to self governance and freedom. The people who lived under the oppression of Hussein might see things differently than Biden. And remember, Biden said we had “NO CHOICE” but to eliminate Hussein. If we had no choice then cost is not a deciding factor.

It is one thing to lament at the price in blood and treasure but it is another to say the venture was not worth it. We entered WWII and liberated Europe after we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. We suffered nearly half as many US deaths in the D-Day invasion than in the entire Iraq War. Total deaths in WWII are much higher than they will ever be in Iraq so was the effort worth it?

According to Biden it might not have been.

The last thing the public needs is for its leaders to say that the price we paid in blood and treasure was not worth the outcome.

But Biden did say that it could be one of the major accomplishments of the administration.

Obama picked him because he is an insurance policy.

Big Dog


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7 Responses to “Joe Biden On Iraq, Then And Now”

  1. Darrel says:

    [quote]Joe Biden in 2002: “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy [Saddam Hussein] who is an extreme danger to the world.” [Real Clear Politics – Video][/quote]

    Bigd: “We had no choice but to eliminate him.”>>

    Notice, that’s not what he said.

    This is a common problem. Quote what the person said, interpret what the person said, proceed to knock down the interpretation. Repeat.

    “President Mubarak and I, had a good discussion about…the fact that the sanctions exist… for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam’s ambitions toward developing WMDs.
    They have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to WMDs.
    He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors.”
    — Colin Powell, February 24, 2001

    • Big Dog says:

      Of course it is what was said. Russert said Biden on Hussein, he is a threat and we must eliminate the threat.

      That is what he said. Watch the video and read the words in the background.

      I quoted exactly what was said. Hussen is a threat. We must eliminate the threat. If A=B and B=C then A=C

  2. […] the original post here: Big Dogs House » Blog Archive » Joe Biden On Iraq, Then And Now Related Posts:Instapundit » Blog Archive » SCOTT BROWN TO JOE BIDEN: Next time …p2pnet news […]

  3. Blake says:

    Does anyone else besides me see the resemblence between Joe Biden, and Jeff Dunham’s ventriloquism dummy? I swear that Jeff modeled it after Biden- same dumb expression on the face and all- same hairplugs, same crossed arms- its uncanny.