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Jesse’s Not So Green Machine Stolen

Jesse Jackson is like all the other climate agitators out there in that he tells each of us we need to be green and save the planet while he drives around in an SUV that is not so green. Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and all the other morons from the church of climate revival fly in private jets, drive big cars and live in houses that use more electricity than small towns but they make sure to tell us what to do.

Michelle Obama is in that category as well. We all need to drive smaller vehicles and turn our heat down so she can create a carbon footprint the size of China while flying off to Spain for a vacation.

Eat cake you peasants…

Funny thing about Jackson though. He was in Detroit to promote government funded (what else) green jobs when his not so green SUV was stolen and stripped down.

This is hysterical and shows a few things. There is no honor among thieves as certain car thieves stole the SUV of a race baiting thief. Jackson is another hypocrite who drives a huge car but wants taxpayers to live green and fund green jobs. And finally, Detroit is a crime-ridden city that has been driven into the ground by liberals.

This Jackson story is funny and the only thing that would have made it better would have been if Jackson was in the car when it was taken and they stripped him for parts as well…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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