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It Will Take Less Time To Make Us Slaves

Barack Obama is out trying to whip his base into a frenzy so they will come out in November and vote. He is trying everything because he knows that he and his party are in real trouble. Obama is out lying about the Republican party and telling us that they want to go back to the policies of the last eight years, the ones that got us in trouble. This trouble has been brewing for longer than eight years and Democrats were in charge for most of the time the trouble brewed though both parties share the blame.

Regardless, Obama has already shown he will say anything to get what he wants. He has been caught saying different things at different times depending on who he is trying to appeal to. He is a con man, we are the mark and the sting is on the way.

Unless we can stop him by taking away his majority.

The funny thing is, Obama has to pump up his base after they came out in huge numbers (most of them being legal voters) in 2008. They are so displeased with him and what he has done that they are apathetic. They just do not care so Obama is out trying to get them to stay the course. He is telling his base that things take time so they need to be patient. He told them that it took time to end slavery and that the slaves patiently waited for it to end.

I fail to see a valid comparison here. The end of slavery came as a result of the Civil War, a war that was waged over state’s rights and which cost over 600,000 lives. The Obama Agenda is a war being waged over the rights of individuals and it has cost over 7 million jobs.

In the past 18 months Barack Obama has enslaved us to government. He has taken over auto companies, taken over health care, taken over the financial sector and he is trying to take over the very air we breathe by taxing the air we exhale.

The Obama base might not be happy that he has not done as much as he said and Massa Obama might like to tell them that ending slavery took a long time but the reality is it only took 18 months to make us all slaves.

If we do not stop this Socialist from fulfilling his agenda we will have even more trouble in this country.

It took 600,000 lives to end slavery the first time. How many will it take this time?

WSJ: Noonan

Cave Canem?
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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