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It Will Not Be Single Payer Insurance

The electorate is hopping mad about the out of control government and its plans for cap and tax as well as universal health care coverage. The people are out in force protesting and giving their Representatives and Senators holy hell. The people have a right to be mad because the government is working for a complete overhaul of a system so that about 12 million people who truly cannot afford health care are covered.

The government officials who discuss this boondoggle claim that it is not a single payer system and that the government will not put private insurance companies out of business. Obama tells us that if we like what we have we may keep it and that there are no plans for a government take over of the health care system. They deny that the goal is a single payer system.

The problem is, they really want a single payer system where the government runs health care. Watch this video and see how many of them have advocated for single payer in the past. look at how they tell us that the way to get to single payer is via the so called public option. These are their words and their words and they are telling us what the ultimate goal is:

The liberals commenting at Breitbart (where the video displayed) complain that the video is spliced together. To them this means that the video was chopped up to present the words out of context. This is untrue. There are clips from several different interviews that clearly provide us with the words spoken by Obama and other Democrats. These clips show us how their positions have been stated differently over the years but clearly indicate that the goal is a single payer system.

This video should add fuel to the fire because during this August recess the Democrats will be out in full force lying to us about this health care bill. They will tell us what they want us to hear but not what the truth is because the truth spells defeat for them and their plan to Socialize the country’s health care system.

Liberals never win when they present their true feelings. They win by pretending to be something they are not. Obama and the Democrats present a different picture of themselves when they are running for office because if they told us how they will actually do things they would not get elected.

They are liars and they will continue to lie to get what they want. They do not care about what we want.

Give them hell this August and make sure they know who the boss is. The links below are to meetings that have put the heat on Democrats over this issue. Continue that heat.

They need to have a miserable August.

Then they need to have a miserable election the next time they want renew their jobs.

Shout Down in Austin
Specter catches hell
Tim Bishop catches it as well

Big Dog

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