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It Was 20 Years Ago Today

Twenty years ago today Matt Drudge released a blockbuster story about a White House intern and her sexual affair with then President Bill Clinton. The story was investigated and filed by Michael Isikoff at Newsweek but that publication quashed the story allegedly because it could not confirm some of what Monica Lewinsky was heard saying on recordings of phone conversations and because some of her words led them to question her credibility.

Drudge had no such worries when he released the story to his then 85,000 subscribers. In no time flat that story was the talk of the town and Drudge’s page received so many visitors that it could not be accessed by some who wanted to read the story. It is quite possible that story jump started what is now the most formidable news aggregating website.

Newsweek decided not to run with the story and the rest of the MSM ignored it until it got too big to dismiss. All must have decided that the then 23 year old intern was not as credible and a man known to be a serial philanderer. His initial run for the presidency was clouded with sexual exploits (sexploits?) including a long term affair with Gennifer Flowers. Clinton denied the affair and his wife set up a war room to handle so called bimbo eruptions. As the world would later find out, not only was Lewinsky telling the truth but so was Flowers.

Clinton lied about everything until he was cornered with a DNA stained dress. He was impeached for committing perjury but found not guilty by a Congress we now know has a slush fund of taxpayer dollars to quash sexual allegations levied against its members.

Clinton was never held accountable for the sexual misconduct and the rapes reported by other credible victims. To this day he is a free man and cherished by many liberal women who quickly react when others are accused of the same things.

It looks like Lewinsky, Flowers and others were all #metoo before it was the in thing.

Twenty years! Can you believe that? They grow up so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday Monica was crawling around the Oval Office putting things in her mouth.

The government has needed an enema for a long time.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
