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It Is The Law

There are those out there who feel that the money spent on the GWOT would be better spent on Americans here at home. I am of the opinion that we need to spend money at home but what kind of home do we have if we are not safe in it? The disaster in the Gulf points out many flaws in the entitlement society. People expect the government to do everything for them and when it comes to a major disaster they sit around waiting for help. I am all for helping the people affected by this disaster but remind readers that some of the responses espoused by the left are against the law.

There seems to be a concerted ignorance about state’s rights and the fact they need to request help to get it. The federal government can not jump in and take over. The problem is compounded when local governments refuse the very help they now criticize for being too slow. It would seem that the politicians in Louisiana were caught up in the entitlement mindset. They were so caught up they abandoned their responsibilities.

The federal government can not activate troops to go in, they can not send FEMA or any other agency without the request (permission if you will) of the state. The very people saying that the feds should have gone in are the ones who would cry that Bush was usurping state authority if he had done just that.

We have laws in this country and though they are usually a matter of inconvenience for the left, we have them for a reason. It really does not matter. If Bush enlisted the help of Superman to fly in and blow the hurricane out to sea the left would claim that the President deprived the state government of its authority. They will point fingers at him for everything. As I said before, things can be better but we still need to follow the law.