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It Is Just Weather Mr. Gore

Whenever there is a huge snowstorm (and we had quite a few of those this year) the sane part of the population (those who do not believe in man-made global warming) make comments about global warming and how it must not be real. When we discuss these things and other events we are quickly told by the global warming alarmists that these events are just weather and there is a difference between weather and climate.

The Holy Father of global warming did the exact same thing at a global warming conference when he said that recent weather events were consistent with global warming.

But Gore had a specific example in mind. He explained this recent soaking in the Northeastern United States was “consistent” with what global warming alarmists were projecting. Business and Media Institute

We had several blizzards this year and this is not consistent with what the alarmists have said. Some of them lamented about winters without snow blah blah.

The snow runs contrary to what they have told us even as they claim that the snow is a sign of global warming.

But are the alarmists who routinely mock people as ignorant for not knowing the difference between climate and weather going to call out Gore for his lack of understanding of the issue?

If the snowstorms are not evidence that global warming is not a problem because they are weather events then all the soaking rains we had are not evidence because they too are weather events.

Would one of you self righteous alarmists contact Mr. Gore and inform him of his egregious error?

Big Dog


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