It Is A Spending Problem

The United States has a published debt of 19 TRILLION dollars. This does not include the 100 TRILLION or so in unfunded liabilities that we cannot possibly hope to pay for. The government wants us to believe that it needs to tax us more so it can pay for these things. They would have us believe that there is nothing they can do unless we pay more because this is what it costs to run government.

Barack Obama and his regime have added nearly 10 TRILLION dollars to the debt which means, by his own definition, he is unpatriotic.

The problem is not that the government does not extort enough from us. The reality is the government takes far more than it needs to accomplish its CONSTITUTIONAL responsibilities. The problem is our government has gotten itself involved in all kinds of things for which it has no authority and no responsibility. Social programs are the bulk of the government despite the fact there is no authority for them in the Constitution. The Constitution clearly defines the role of the government and what it has authority over. Those authorities do not include health care, education, welfare, college and many other items too numerous to mention.

The bottom line is we spend too much. The federal government took in a record amount of tax revenue in the first part of this year and still managed to spend over 400 BILLION more than what it received. IT IS OUT OF CONTROL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL SPENDING that is causing the problem.

We now have people running for the presidency who want to add even more debt to the ledger. Bernie Sanders wants to give away everything for free (by free he means other taxpayers foot the bill) and Hillary Clinton wants to add another TRILLION dollars to the budget (for more unconstitutional spending) and pay for it by increasing taxes ONE TRILLION dollars (likely more).

This must stop. All the ancient politicians in DC will be dead and gone when the ticking time bomb they set off explodes and causes the collapse of our nation. They and their families have profited quite nicely by gaming the system and then they will die off while the rest of us suffer the consequences.

We need to reduce the size of our government and end ALL unconstitutional spending and we need to do it yesterday.

You might think it is all free and the rich can pay or we can tax our way out of it but that thought would be wrong.

And when the SHTF the leeches thinking such thoughts will be the first to suffer and the first go.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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One Response to “It Is A Spending Problem”

  1. Blake says:

    These people, morons all, seem to believe that money comes out of thin air.
    What these idiots can’t grasp is that our currency is backed by the FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES TREASURY. When that faith in the solvency of our money is gone, so will our nation’s future.
    Like a man with no money, we will not be able to do anything.
    Debts NEED to be paid- that is how the world works, people.