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Inequities in the Reproductive Issues Fight

Sometimes, the pendulum swings too far. Women have obtained more rights than can be reasonably justified regarding reproductive issues. An example comes from today’s Chicago news:

The story began six years ago when a woman, Dr. Sharon Irons, saved the sperm of her then-lover, Dr. Richard O. Phillips, after oral sex. Unbeknownst to Phillips, Irons impregnated herself with the sperm and gave birth. Phillips was unaware of the child until it was two – when Irons sued for child support. DNA tests confirmed the paternity of the toddler; and, Phillips was required to pay $800 a month towards his/her care.

Yesterday, an Illinois appellate court agreed Phillips could sue Irons for emotional distress. However, the court dismissed his claim that the sperm had been “stolen” and agreed with Irons that she considered the sperm an “irrevocable” transfer of property – a gift.

This bizarre situation illustrates the legal reproductive power women have gained since the 60s. Similarly, it demonstrates what little rights men have. Phillips engaged in an act where he could reasonably assume no pregnancy would occur. Yet, the court system still required him to pay child support.

Personally, I hope Phillips can garner a judgment against Irons that will be at least equal to his child custody payments until their child is 18, about $173,000. He deserves no less.

After all, Irons is a doctor. She must be aware of the existence of sperm banks. She could also have found a partner willing to provide sperm for a pregnancy. Ultimately, she intentionally lied and clandestinely impregnated herself. In truth, there are only two possible reasons for the subterfuge: she knew Phillips wouldn’t agree; and/or she didn’t want him to participate in raising their offspring. Either way, she deceived Phillips – and the courts condoned the act by awarding child support. This reeks of injustice against the unwilling father.

And, Irons’ lawyer provided an almost laughable statement after the decision was handed down. He reportedly said, “There’s a five year old child here. Imagine how a child feels when your father says he feels emotionally damaged by your birth.” To begin with, who would tell the five year old? And, how is the child going to feel when she finds out her mother deceived her father into producing her and then kept it from him for two years? It seems women can now do no wrong where producing (or not producing) a child is concerned. We have gone over the edge into the illogical and indefensible.

So, men, remember when you have sex – no matter what form that takes – you are giving your partner a “gift” of your sperm. It could be the gift that keeps on giving (or taking). Either you confirm the little swimmers have been entirely eliminated. . . or you may end up paying child support.