In Case You Did Not Know, Don’t Buy Semen Online

Just a shot in the dark here, but I would imagine this is the kind of information that one knows without being told sort of like it will be windy with lots of rain during a hurricane. It appears though, as if some people need to be told the most basic and common sense things. Canadians are being warned not to buy “fresh” semen online for their fertility issues because the semen could contain diseases.

I know that there are couples who need donated semen to have children and those couples go through a great deal to pick the right donor based on the characteristics of that donor. It seems to me that the kind of people who would buy semen online should probably not have children in the first place.

But we do have people that need to be told to bring in any items that might get blown around in a hurricane and we have reporters who stand in 100 mph winds and driving rain to demonstrate that it is bad during a hurricane. We have people who need to be told not to play on the beach during the hurricane and we have people who get killed because they wander out during such storms.

Yes, we have warnings on hemorrhoid cream that it is not to be taken by mouth, on hair dryers not to use them in the shower and the Captain America toy shield warns that the device is a toy and does not provide protection.

We live in a society full of morons. The problem is that government runs around protecting these people from themselves and they don’t die off through the natural selection process the liberals love to discuss. It appears as if they tout evolution but refuse to allow nature to take its course and eliminate the weakest of the herd.

In any event, don’t buy semen online. You should also not buy blood or blood products on line and you should not buy organs (the biological ones, not the music ones) online.

I don’t know what is more disturbing, the thought of people who would buy semen online or the thought of people who would sell it…

Talk about small business. But they have a good heart, they just want to make some couple happy by allowing them to have a baby.

You might say they are pulling for you…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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13 Responses to “In Case You Did Not Know, Don’t Buy Semen Online”

  1. Ferd Berfel says:

    Well, rain on my parade! I put my “condom empties” up for sale on ABay, and now who will buy them? Adam?

    Maybe, maybe. He certainly has bought things more worthless.
    Like; the entire liberal ticket!

    That presumes my…is worthless! Could make a good liberal after-dinner drink. I know that liberals think it is a mark of elevation to have same-sex…agh…sex/interrelations.

    And I do mean enter!

  2. Blake says:

    One would think that this would not have to even be said indeed, except you can see how some folks will buy anything- that’s how our Hybrid-in-Chief got elected- people didn’t look beyond the superficial words he spewed-Bari must have memorized “The Music Man” and his con- otherwise he would never have been elected.

    • Adam says:

      I know it’s been all those 2 years ago but don’t forget as well that a major piece of Obama’s road to victory was the dismal failure that was the GOP that earned them a beating in 2006 and 2008. It’s easy to blame it now on superficial people but at some point both sides have to stop blaming success of the other side on misinformed people.

      • Blake says:

        I agree that McCain was not a good choice- it was like we were conceding even before we voted- but you have to admit, there is NOTHING, not ONE thing, that BHO has gotten right.
        For three years he has promised, at every speech, that he was focusing on jobs, but EVERY indicator shows that we (BHO, that is) haven’t moved ANY economic indicator- we are still basically where we were BEFORE he was sworn in.
        The only improvement I see is perhaps (and with a swing like that, it’s doubtful)in his golf game.
        Is THAT going to be his legacy?

        • victoria says:

          “we are still basically where we were BEFORE he was sworn in.”

          We are worse than we were. Much worse.

      • Ferd Berfel says:

        Please, some one buy Adam’s sperm. He obviously has a load to loss…

  3. Adam says:

    Blake: “…we are still basically where we were BEFORE he was sworn in.”

    Victoria: “We are worse than we were. Much worse.”

    You two are kidding, right? REad this. There are 4 major measurements for business cycle dating:

    1. Real GDP: 0.5% below pre-recession peak with a low point of 5.1%.

    2. Real personal income less transfer payments: 4.8% below pre-recession peak with a low point of of 11%.

    3. Industrial production: 6.5% below pre-recession peak with a low point of about 17%.

    4. Employment: 5% below pre-recession peak with a low point of about 6.5%

    I understand that we have long term unemployment, GDP growth is slower this year than we need, and our debt is up. But we are not the same or worse now than when Obama took office. Get real, folks. Saying things are bad still is not the same as saying it is worse now than before. Things were very, very bad when Obama took office. Don’t ever forget that.

    • Adam says:

      You realize that chart shows exactly what I said in my comment? Unemployment is 5% below the peak, with a low point of 6.5%? You did read what I wrote, right?

      It was a bad recession, no doubt. Job growth is very weak. One reason is our recession was related to the housing market. Typically in the last few recessions we’ve had housing starts to lift economic activity as soon as the recession ends and that helps grow jobs. Instead we’ve got a ton of existing houses and no need to build new ones.

    • Adam says:

      You’re relying on a website called Shadow Government Statistics to tell you unemployment is worse than reported? Their “long term discoursed workers” figure is fine I guess but one point needs to be made:

      At the lowest unemployment under President Bush their value was still about 13% or 2.5 times whatever U-3. In fact it’s about 2.5 whatever U-3 is is at any given time. SGS Alternate is always high.

      It says nothing about or current situation other than to say once again that U-3, U-6, and SGS Alternate are all very high compared to their low points. You don’t need to inflate the value to see that.

    • Adam says:

      And I take objection to calling alternative measurements of unemployment the “real unemployment.” We know these values are measurements of how many people are under employed added to the BLS value of unemployed. They are not better measurements of who are unemployed. Having less work than you want or no work are two different things.