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If You Can’t Take The Heat

It would seem that in this world if you want to throw stones at people you have to be able to withstand a few getting tossed back at you. As anyone who reads this site is aware, I visit Adam’s on occasion and up until recently, commented quite a bit. I enjoyed the banter over there and sometimes it got a bit heated. One thing was pretty evident and that was, people could dish it out but they could also take it. That is until recently.

There was a commenter who runs a blog. She was very abrasive and nasty. When she got some of that back she was unable to take the heat. This seemed to make her madder. She went to her own blog and made posts with veiled references to me. She also made veiled references to another person who commented there. I returned the favor by mentioning her in one of my posts.

I was not mad or hurt by what she said and I actually thought it was quite amusing. It is a free country (and you would think a lib like her would be all about freedom) so I could care less what she thinks or says. Why am I mentioning this? I went to visit her site tonight and it would appear that she has blocked my IP from entering her small world. It seems rather inane to post about this but after I realized I was blocked I came to this sudden realization that she demonstrated the basic liberal strategy. Make accusations, call names, dirty up the water and then when you hit opposition hide and lock the doors.

This is the same philosophy the donks are using in their assessment of the war. They were all for it and Iraq was a trouble spot and Hussein was a bad man and we agree with the President, now is the time to be strong. We will show those terrorists who is tough. Then some soldiers get killed and the terrorists mount an attack strategy. Bang, all the sudden the donks are screaming that we need to pull out and that the sky is falling. We are afraid we might lose more troops oh please help us.

The donks in Congress are exercising a strategy similar to IP blocking. Well folks, if you can’t run with the Big Dog, stay on the porch (or locked up in the house).

If you want you can visit the site here [this link removed at request of this person]:wink_ee: so go there and see for yourself. When you go leave a message telling her the Dog says Hi.