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If I Voted For McCain…

…I was told I would be getting a third term of George W. Bush.

I voted for Sarah Palin, same result though as Barack Obama has now used military force in Libya to help topple a dictator who is slaughtering his people. That is what George Bush did in Iraq and the left was vehemently opposed. We were told that it was a quagmire and that we were nation building, all things the left opposes. Barack Obama was not in the Senate at the time as he was busy voting present in Illinois but he did assure us he would have voted against military action in Iraq.

I guess the people of Iraq who were being murdered by a brutal dictator do not carry the same weight as those in Libya. Oh I know, Bush talked about weapons of mass destruction but that was only about three of the twenty or so items in the authorization for force but why let the others get in the way of lefties screaming and hollering over military action.

Despite what Obama claimed and how superior he was supposed to be, it looks like he is a lot like George Bush in certain areas and this is not sitting well with his base. Drudge has this on his front page:

MARCH 19, 2011
OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…

MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger’…

Let us see how the left handles Mr. Obama and his blatant aggression against another nation. I mean, who is he to tell the leader of another country what to do? Isn’t that what he and everyone like him screamed about with regard to Bush?

I doubt that we will send troops into Libya but we have launched missiles into that country and that is an act of aggression.

So where is Code Pink? Where are the left wing loonies and their cries over this aggression?

My guess is they are oblivious to it because their messiah Obama is the one doing it. They did not mind when Clinton launched missiles and they do not mind Obama doing it.

The D after their names allows them to do such things.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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