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If Bush Had Said It…

George Bush had a way with words that made liberals cringe. Every nuance or mistake was highlighted on TV and other media outlets as proof that Bush was an idiot, a moron, or mentally challenged. The same media uses the mistakes of Sarah Palin to show she is an idiot and not worthy of consideration for anything regardless of her actual intelligence. The media though, love to ignore Obama’s mistakes. He has made many verbal gaffes but the MSM ignores when Obama makes a mistake. He is, after all, the smartest man in the world, so they have to protect him.

At a campaign rally, I mean jobs bill rally this week Obama discussed how great America used to be. We did, according to Obama the Great, build the Intercontinental Railroad

Now, we used to have the best infrastructure in the world here in America. We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad, the Interstate Highway System. (Applause.) We built the Hoover Dam. We built the Grand Central Station. (Applause.) LA Times

I am sure Obama meant the Transcontinental Railroad since we don’t have a rail system that extends from the US to places like Europe or Africa. Since he was talking about America’s infrastructure one must assume he was talking about the Transcontinental Railroad.

Anyone can make a mistake though one would assume that his speech writers would crack a book or do a Google search to ensure they had it correct.

If George Bush had made this mistake the liberal media pundits would be talking about what a moron he is and how stupid we are as a people for electing such a buffoon.

But when Obama makes this kind of error it is ignored. Can’t let the masses know how dumb the leader really is.

Obama is the least intelligent man in any room he enters…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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