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Ibrahim Hooper and CAIR want to Intimidate Americans

The Council for American and Islamic Relations is an inappropriately named organization because the only thing this organization does is foster ill will toward Muslims by playing the victim and trying to intimidate Americans. Ibrahim Hooper, the Communications Director for this terrorist front group was on MSNBC defending the Imams who were removed from the airplane after they acted suspiciously. Hooper says that the only way that we will know if the people who made the complaints were being malicious is to take them to court to find out. Hooper completely defends this idea and cannot see the irony in the case. The only way to determine if the Imams were up to no good was to pull them off the plane and check them out. Maybe the Imams can be sued for filing a malicious lawsuit. Hooper is a piece of pig crap and should have bacon grease rubbed all over him and then be thrown in a pit with Michael Vick’s dogs. Better yet, he should be fed to a bunch of hungry hogs and have the whole thing filmed so we could show it during Ramadan. Now that is a You Tube that would be worth watching.

Here is the exchange:

It is not hard to see that Hooper likes the idea of lawsuits because it is a way to intimidate people so they will not come forward. He says that if they were not malicious they have nothing to worry about. Just like the Patriot Act pal, which you worshipers of that child molester Mohammad oppose, if you are not hatching terror plots you have nothing to worry about. CAIR is trying to soften America for the next wave so that their people can do bad things and no one will say anything for fear of being sued. People like Billy Joe, who comments here, will surely have something smart to say about this but the fact is CAIR sponsors terrorists and they are trying to intimidate Americans. I think it is time to boot this terrorist organization out of our country and back to that stone age sandbox they came from.

The reference this idiot made to the KKK is totally off base. People did not walk on the plane and single out Muslims and ask they be removed. These Muslims were acting like they were rehearsing for an attack or planning to do something bad. They were acting suspiciously. Now, I will help you pig brain. If the Grand Dragon of the KKK got on a plane and 6 black guys were acting suspiciously and not listening to flight attendants and were changing their seats then it would certainly be appropriate for him to make a complaint. You act as if the six Hadjis were just sitting in their seats reading the Koran and minding their own business when they were acting more like six people trying to figure out how to disrupt the plane or what the best material is to use for bomb vests.

I can promise Hooper this much, I am not intimidated and I don’t expect any other American to be either. If you see something suspicious report it. It is that simple. The Imams were changing seats, asking for seat belt extenders (though they were all thin) and there were reports that someone on the plane understood their language and they were saying inappropriate things. In any event, they were acting suspiciously and that is all the people needed to know to report them. If they did not act like terrorists they would not be treated like one. My plan for airplane security is to report suspicious behavior regardless of who it is or where they are from (though nearly all acts of terror involve Middle Eastern men between the ages of 18 and 45). If the airline does not remove them then they will be under a watchful eye. If they make a bad move then it is up to the passengers to snap their pencil necks and their next of kin can pick them up when the plane lands. That is right Hooper, if they act suspicious then they should be beaten to death. Is that malicious enough for you? You pig screwing false prophet follower. Perhaps we should just throw them out of the plane when it is up a few miles. We could then find the answer to the question “how far does pig crap splat?”

CAIR is not here to improve relations with Americans. They are here to stir up trouble and to make us afraid to call out the Muzzies who act inappropriately. It is time for us to ensure that they do not get away with it. If they act like humans then they are left alone, but if they act like animals they are to be put down. Poor, poor Muzzies. They were acting bad and got called on it and this jackass Hooper defends suing and inconveniencing the people who pointed it out.

Like the video points out, it was a concerned citizen who thwarted the Fort Dix plot that involved, who else, Muslims.

Not in my back yard, pal. It will definitely be Open Season [WARNING: This song contains foul language]

Big Dog

Big Dog salute to my good friend Raven for bringing this to my attention.