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I Knew Obama Would Not Let Me Down

It took about 2 months but Obama finally did what I knew he wanted to do all along. He finally started a discussion about more gun control in this country. I had figured he would start that dialog right after the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords but he waited. He did not want to let a crisis go to waste but he did not want to appear as if he was anxious to capitalize on the tragedy, which he certainly was.

Obama tells a whopper right off the bat when he claims that there was not a lot of finger pointing after the incident. This is revisionist history. In fewer than 2 hours after the shooting the left was blaming everyone it could think of. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, talk radio, the Tea Party, you name it. The only person the left did not blame was the criminal who pulled the trigger. From all accounts, he was a left wing nut job…

I also think his numbers on children killed are way off but the truth is not his strong point.

Barack Obama wants common sense rules and thinks we should be doing a little more. He thinks it is awful that a nut like the Giffords shooter was able to get a gun. We need to do more, he says, to keep people who should not have guns from getting them. Everyone would agree with common sense rules, right?

We have 20,000 different gun laws on the books. We have states that violate the Second Amendment and this guy wants to make it tougher.

You see, the gun laws we have now were not the problem with regard to the Giffords shooting. The lack of law enforcement doing its job was the problem. The DEMOCRAT sheriff and his department had reports about the shooter and had dealings with him on a number of occasions. But since his mother worked for the local government he was left alone. Even though he frightened people at college and was not allowed back until he was evaluated, the DEMOCRAT sheriff did not do his job.

If the shooter had been picked up and held for a psychological evaluation then he could have been reported as a mental health concern and would not have been allowed to buy a gun. Let us not brush aside the fact that he bought his weapon legally because he was never picked up by the police.

All the laws in the world will not prevent this from happening if the DEMOCRAT sheriff refuses to enforce them.


Ever notice how easy it is for a person (like Obama) who has thousands of armed people around him at all times to discuss how we need to have common sense rules to own or carry weapons?

I do not agree with his plan. Make all 50 states SHALL issue states and allow all law abiding citizens who want to carry guns to do so.

Keep criminals in jail, send the illegals back home and prevent those with mental illness from buying weapons. But do not impose stupidity on the rest of us because some mental case was ignored by the DEMOCRAT sheriff.

It was a tagedy Barack but the gun did not cause it. The moron who pulled the trigger did and he was enabled by the moron DEMOCRAT sheriff who was derelict in his duties.

Brutally Honest
Yahoo News

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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