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I Found The Obama Transparency

Barack Obama promised to have a transparent administration. He promised that bills would be posted for five days before they were voted upon and he promised that all his actions would be open to the American public. Unfortunately, since taking office he has been anything but transparent. None of the bills signed have been posted for five days, he has spent a ton of money to keep his birth certificate and college transcripts hidden (regardless of what people think on the subject, that is not transparent), and he is now involved with members of his party who will write the health care reform bill behind closed doors and out of the public’s eye.

Barack Obama is more secretive than Richard Nixon (and that is not the only similarity – enemies list).

But I think I have found the Obama transparency. It is a shocker but I think I have actually found it. Barack Obama has decided to open all of our top secret nuclear weapons sites to the Russians so they can come in and count our nuclear warheads. Barack Obama is being transparent with the Russians and allowing them to snoop around in our most secret and most securely guarded places. He is showing our potential enemies what we have and where we keep it. By G-d, you just can’t get more transparent than that.

Clinton said the U.S. would be as transparent as possible.

“We want to ensure that every question that the Russian military or Russian government asks is answered,” she said, calling missile defense “another area for deep cooperation between our countries.” Fox News

I thought Joe Biden was transparent when he disclosed the location of the “undisclosed location” that the VP gets sent to but Obama takes the cake.

Secretary Clinton said that we (the Obama administration) want to make sure that every question the Russians have is answered. Isn’t it amazing that the very people who refuse to answer questions about Obama’s birth certificate are willing to answer any question that the Russians might have with regard to our nuclear weapons?

Isn’t it amazing that the very people who are avoiding the American public, who brushed people off at town hall meetings, who call those with concerns unpatriotic and un-American, who claim that the protests are contrived and are “astro turf”, who cut people off or refuse to allow them to speak are so willing to open their hearts and souls to the Russians?

Can someone explain to me how it is that the Russians, a potential enemy, get free access to our most guarded secrets while American citizens (who, BTW, would NEVER get access to the nuclear sites) are ignored and treated like the enemy?

It should worry all Americans that the Obama Administration has chosen to demonstrate its so called transparency by allowing the Russians access to our nuclear weapons.

The real enemy in this country is Barack Obama and his administration. He and his minions are doing damage to this country at an alarming rate.

Pretty soon we will have Muslim terrorists over here looking at building plans and maps of major cities and subway systems all provided by the Obama administration in the name of transparency (case in point).

Here is an idea for the moron in the White House. How about you stop giving the country away and practice transparency here at home. Instead of giving the Russians free access to our nuclear sites what say you tell them to stay home and instead give the American public unrestrained access to that closed room where you and your henchmen will be cooking up the health care bill?

At the same time, how about doing it all on C Span, something you said would happen when you were lying about transparency…

And since you are so into letting the enemy have a look see, why don’t you invite Fox News to oversee the health care bill writing. You did declare them an opponent so give them the same props you are giving the Russians.

The reset button he gave the Russians has reset us to the 1950s when our government was full of Communists supported by the Democrats. Now the Communists are the Democrats and they are giving away the farm…

Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama.
He’s such a rookie and not real skilled
His stupidity will get us killed
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama.

Big Dog

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