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I Can’t Believe Someone Would Do This

Some cretin sneaked into a Massachusetts golf course overnight and used a tool or shoes with cleats or spikes (like maybe, golf shoes) to dig a green up with the words “I [Swastika] Obama.” Some lowlife degenerate dug those words into the 18th green. The words were discovered by workers when they arrived at work. They tried to paint over it with green paint but that did not work so they might have to dig it up and plant some sod.

What kind of lowlife, degenerate, half witted, knuckle dragging moron would do something like this?

I mean, who defaces a golf course?

My G-d, have they no decency?

7 News Boston

UPDATE: Commenter Victoria says that the symbol is one of hope and peace in some eastern religions.

They think it was supposed to be a swastika, however, in the way that it is done it means hope and peace in some eastern religions.

Therefore, it might be I hope and peace Obama. Still makes no sense…

Big Dog

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