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Howard Dean Continues Democrat Playbook On Racism

The playbook for the left is to scream racism and to scream it loud and often. The left has no other game. Its policies have failed, it has pushed an agenda on the American people that is different than that on which they campaigned and that a majority in this country opposes. That does not bother them but now that the elections are rapidly approaching they need a tactic, a diversion. And they havoe found it.

We know that the people on the JournoList had a plan to pick a target conservative and call him racist. In true Alinsky fashion, select the target, isolate the target and attack the target. We also know that screaming racism, including NAALCP resolutions about racism, are nothing more than lies designed to stir up minorities.

Mary Frances Berry admitted that the tactic was to call the TEA Party members racist even though there is NO EVIDENCE that they are any more racist than anyone else. And she said the tactic is working.

So it should come as no surprise that Howard Dean is screaming racism. He is calling the Republican party racist and he is saying that FOX News is racist for spreading lies about Shirley Sherrod. Dean is totally ignoring the fact that FOX did not air the video or discuss the story on TV until well after Sherrod was fired and that the website did not post the video until after Sherrod was fired. FOX News claims the video was not up at its website until after Sherrod was fired.

I have seen the website from the day in question and the video was up but my friend Adam explained how that could happen. News websites update frequently and sometimes the same story is updated several times. FOX posted the story about the video but did not, according to them, post the video until after Sherrod was fired. No one can prove it was up before then (and Adam explained how it could be up now and dated then) so we will take FOX at its word.

The thing that is important to note is that Dean never once stopped to consider the facts in the matter. He dismissed the truth about FOX NOT discussing the story until after Sherrod was fired. His comeback was that it was going to be on Glenn Beck. Dean has absolutely no way of knowing if that was going to be on Beck or not. And even if it was (it was not as Beck did not mention it on TV) what difference could it possibly make? If Barack Obama fired Shirley Sherrod because he was worried that the story was going to be on Glenn Beck’s program then there is a real issue at the White House.

The fear of Beck tells me that Beck has been getting most things he discusses correct and it bothers the regime. They have never called to refute anything that Beck has said. They have never corrected anything he has said and they spend much of their time saying FOX is not real news and no one should pay attention to the network or fear mongers like Beck.

If Beck is of no concern then why worry about whether a story was going to be on his show? Because he is right as he was this time. He did not mention it until the next day and he took Sherrod’s side in the issue. He discussed it on his radio program but I have not heard the entire clip so I do not know what was said. In any event, the White House was worried about Beck’s TV program. Sherrod confirmed that and so did Howard Dean.

Here is the real issue. Howard Dean is using the game plan that was spelled out by JournoList and Mary Frances Berry. He is calling the Republicans and FOX News racist because they are trying to get that accusation to stick. They want to keep saying it until people believe it. They are lying about racism for political gain. Before it was the NAALCP and now it is a failed candidate named Howard Dean.

The Democrats can be counted on for three reflexive actions. Number one they will reflexively blame George W. Bush for all the ills in the world. Number two, they will cry racism no matter what and they will continue to scream it. They do this not because it is some rampant problem but because they think hurling false accusations is proper even with something as sensitive as racism. And three, they will all reflexively blame FOX News Channel for the bad things in the world even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

And of course, we can always count on Howard Dean to have a stupid moment.



Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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