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How Much More Should The Rich Pay

Joe Biden said that people who did not pay their fair share were unpatriotic. He told us it was time for everyone to pay their fair share. What he meant to say was that the wealthy, the ones who pay most of the federal taxes in this country, had to pay more while 47% of wage earners paid no federal taxes. I want to ensure that I point out that it is federal taxes because even though we discuss federal officials and their desire for more taxes to the federal government there are still people who are a little slow and will tell me that all wage earners pay Social Security or some moronic thing.

Anyway, Hillary Clinton is on the bandwagon again and she said the rich do not pay enough taxes. There are quite a few wealthy liberals who agree with her but strangely enough, none of them write checks to the government for the increase they think they should pay.

Make no mistake about this. Any citizen can write a check for any amount (that he can afford) to the Treasury in order to pay off the debt. If liberals think they should pay more in taxes then they can write a check to pay more. None of them do. You know that none of them do because if they did they would brag about it and it would run nonstop on the state run media. None of them have sent extra money and they all look for ways to reduce their tax burdens.

They want the rich to pay more but only the other rich people.

Clinton is a liberal moron (though she would have been better than Obama) and this is the creed that liberal morons live by. Tax the rich because even though they pay most of the federal taxes in this country they do not pay enough to satisfy the overlords in DC.

If you are a rich person and you agree with Clinton then take out your checkbook and write a hefty check to the Treasury. If you are a rich person who agrees with her and you do not do this then you are a hypocrite and need to stop calling for higher taxes because you really don’t want them.

If you are rich and don’t agree with Clinton then stop donating your money to any of the morons in DC. Especially ignore the requests of the liberals who want to raise your taxes.

It is time to stop feeding the beast.

And it is time for Hillary to write a big check to the Treasury.

As an aside, has she paid off her campaign debt yet? She is begging for others to pay her debt and she has over 100 million dollars in the bank. Isn’t amazing how she always wants to use someone else’s money?

Of course, her hubby made a deal with Obama to help with the cover-up of the Sestak bribe so maybe her debt will magically disappear.

Bill did not get involved for free…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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