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How Democrats Plan To Win – Cheat

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to win next Tuesday but things are still looking rough and they are likely in for a long night. But that is not to say they are throwing in the towel. They have an ace in the hole, or up their sleeves, as it were.

They plan to cheat. There is no other way to put it, they plan to cheat.

We already have evidence in the Florida Governor’s race. Alex Sink broke the rules to which she agreed in her debate and read a note from her make-up person. Candidates signed an agreement not to get notes during the debate but during a commercial Sink’s make-up artist brought her an electronic device with a message from an aide.

Sink read the message instead of shooing the person away and telling her it was against the rules. Sink only addressed the issue after she was outed by her opponent, Rick Scott.

Then we have early voting, where in several states the machines have been doing things to benefit Democrats.

In Nevada the polling machines already have Harry Reid’s name selected when the voter puts a voting card into the machine. This is one way to steal the election, program the machines to select the candidate the Democrats want.

Nevada is not the only place. In Craven County, North Carolina, the machines select the entire Democrat ticket when voters slect the button to vote the entire Republican ticket. Voters who select the button to vote the Republican party are seeing the screen come back with all Democrats selected. This happened several times after a voter cleared the screen and tried again.

Cheating and stealing elections is their specialty. In the Democrat party the dead and the illegals are allowed to vote right alongside the felons.

After Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, and John Murtha died, they were removed from the rolls of Congress and placed on the voter rolls in Chicago.

That is how they roll so watch out for cheating and check your ballot several times before submitting it.

And be sure to report all suspected voter fraud.

I also recommend using a cell phone video to record the problem so you have proof (Check to make sure it is legal to record there).

UPDATE: No wonder Nevada is able to cheat. The voting machine technicians are SEIU. They are in the bag for Reid and the Democrats. If it is shown they cheated there will be hell to pay. We can either do it the right way or we can do it the hard way…

UPDATE 2: Dems try to deceive voters in PA

UPDATE 3: Democrat union official discusses being involved in voter fraud. What a surprise.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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