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How Could Eric Holder Forget This?

Attorney General and terrorist sympathizer Eric Holder seems to have neglected to include about seven legal briefs he signed in the packet of stuff he provided to the Senate when he went through the confirmation process.

I understand that a politician lawyer like Holder is busy and probably signs a lot of things but two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court. A lot of attorneys go through their entire career and do not submit stuff to the SCOTUS so one would think this is not the kind of stuff that would be forgotten. What else could make him neglect to send them?

Two of the briefs involved appeals to the Supreme Court for Jose Padilla, who sought release from a military prison in South Carolina where he was being held after then-President George W. Bush designated him an “enemy combatant.” al-Reuters

Oh, more on the terror support front, got it.

Holder is a little weasel. He has been involved in a number of pardons of bad people like Marc Rich, members of the FALN and of the Weather Underground (yes the Bill Ayers terrorist group). He is just a low life weasel who has little regard for the law and sees it more as a vehicle to enact social justice.

Yes, he has a sordid past and yes he deliberately withheld information from the Senate.

He is a pathetic little man who should resign his position and slither back under the rock he emerged from.

And he can save some room for that cretin Obama as well.

Other Holder hits:
OKC Bombing cover-up
Waco cover-up
Torture of US Citizen cover-up

How do we allow pieces of cow dung like this guy to be anywhere near our political system?

Big Dog


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