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Health Care Sob Stories More Common Than Actual Events

Barack Obama says he reads letters that are sent to him and it is true that he has used some of them for political advantage. He walked into a meeting this past week and read a letter from some person regarding the increase in insurance premiums. He has used these kinds of letters to garner support for his health care takeover.

One thing we will never know is how many letters he gets telling him that the writer is happy with his health care. I bet Obama gets more letters of this nature than the ones where some poor schmo was wronged by an insurance company. Those letters always see the light of day. The other kind never will.

Interestingly, we are supposed to think about how bad our system is when Obama and his Democrats read these kinds of letters (the summit had letter after letter) but we are supposed to dismiss as unusual any story that shows the horrors of government run health care. Medicare denies services at a greater rate than the private companies, ignore it, not important. People dying in the UK under the health care system, ignore it because these examples are little stories and do not mean anything. Canadian politicians coming to the US for health care that is the best available, forget it, not worth mentioning.

Some old lady has to use her dead sister’s teeth, read the letter and make it the norm.

American Thinker has a great article describing the politics of the sad sack letter.

Doug Ross highlights the wonderful medical care in the UK and Canada where people lie in filth and are left to die and politicians come to America for the best care available, respectively.

The sob stories only seem common because that is all we hear. The same people who tell us how wonderful socialized medicine is and that these stories are rare expect us to believe that the letters read by politicians are representative of the system of health care as a whole.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Continually saying our health care is bad does not make the statement more true any more than continually continually saying attacks by Democrats were done by right wingers makes that claim true.

As an aside, Obama says not to worry because his plan will save us money. Of course this is absolutely untrue. Once again, saying something is so does not make it so. But, even if it did save money any potential savings would be offset by the 9.7 TRILLION DOLLARS Obama will add to the debt in the next decade. Even if his health care saved money (it does not), it will not be anywhere near 9.7 TRILLION DOLLARS.

Big Dog


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