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He Still Throws Like A Sissy

I was going to say he throws like a girl but I know plenty of girls who could throw a baseball better.

I am talking about Barack Obama who threw out the first pitch (no PITCH, he did not throw Michelle out) at the Washington National’s opener today. Obama threw out a pitch before and he threw like a sissy that time as well. I would have thought that since throwing out the first pitch is a tradition he would have practiced. Don’t tell me he has more important things to do because he has time to practice basketball.

I know that he was wearing a bullet proof vest but he should still be able to get the ball to home plate without having to put a huge arc on it.

George Bush threw the ball while wearing a vest and made it look easy.

Obama was booed when he was announced, booed again when he put on a Chicago White Sox hat (I am sure it was the hat and I can’t blame him for supporting his team), and he was booed when he threw the pitch. He certainly deserved the boos for the pitch. It looked like a basketball pass.

The way he throws it might be better if they start having him throw out the first pitch at slow pitch softball games. At least in that game the ball is supposed to have an arc on it.

I hope he didn’t break a nail…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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