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Has CAIR had Anything Else to Say About 24?

The beginning of this years 24 featured some radical Muslims attacking targets in the US and they in fact detonate a nuclear device. CAIR made a big stink about all this and complained that it put the onus of terrorism on the Muslims. I know that the truth hurts but the fact is most of the terrorism in the world is caused by radical Muslims. CAIR can overlook this or disbelieve it or even try to convince people that it isn’t so but the fact is, one only needs to look at the world and see who is causing terrorism and who acts like mobs of animals when someone has the audacity to knock the so called religion of peace.

I have watched 24 from the beginning this season and it started out with Muslims committing acts of terror. No surprise there, but the story line has taken a much different tact and it is not the Muslims who are painted as the bad guys, at least not by their little lonesome selves. The weapons were supplied by some corporation that has gives the impression of an evil Halliburton like company. The US government was shown as fascists because they locked up Muslims just for being Muslims. A Muslims terrorist who has killed hundreds is presented as a good guy because he wants to begin talks and renounce terrorism (and he saved the President’s life after US government officials tried to assassinate him).

There are members of the President’s administration who are shown as war mongers just itching for a reason to invade anyone Muslim and the folks who tried to assassinate the President came from his own administration and tried to kill him because he was not as warlike as they wanted. There are Americans shown as home grown terrorists while proudly proclaiming that they are patriots. The show, which is good but not as good as seasons past, looks like it has gone out of its way to offend Americans and to respect the sensitivities of the Muslim community and the terrorist front group, CAIR.

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I just want to know where CAIR has been? They have not come out and complained about the way the Americans on the show are portrayed. I guess to those terrorists in that organization, the show is depicting us accurately. Now I don’t really care how they portray us because it is a show. They had an evil President last season who I think was designed to act like a Richard Nixon character. They have had moles infiltrate different agencies and they have shown people from other nations as the bad guys. Like I said, it is a show and I enjoy it because I know it is fiction. It does not bother me in any way because they are portraying characters and, in reality, I am sure there are many people just like this in every facet of American life.

The problem that CAIR had is that Muslims were portrayed as real life because this is how they act. They want to attack us and take this country over. They would love nothing more than to detonate a nuclear device here and they would love to kill as many as they possibly can. Perhaps the reason CAIR was (is) upset is because the show hits way too close to home.

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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.